Generate from documents, PDFs, videos, and more

Generate from documents, videos and more

AI Flashcard Maker

Trusted by students at top universities

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How our AI flashcard maker works

Studygenie's AI flashcard maker transforms your notes, documents, videos, and more into trackable flashcards in just seconds. Say goodbye to time-consuming, stressful studying before exam day.

  1. Import course material to study set

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Click to upload or drag and drop


  1. Import course material to study set

Create new study set


Click to upload or drag and drop


  1. Import course material to study set

Create new study set


Click to upload or drag and drop


  1. AI generates high-quality flashcards in one click

Which philosopher would start with a tabula rasa and then develop ethical standards?

  1. High-quality AI generated flashcards

Which philosopher would start with a tabula rasa and then develop ethical standards?

  1. AI generates high-quality flashcards in one click

Which philosopher would start with a tabula rasa and then develop ethical standards?

  1. Wrong answers explained by AI

Peter Drucker


Here's why it's incorrect

Your answer is incorrect because Peter Drucker did not advocate for starting with a "tabula rasa" or blank slate when developing ethical standards…

  1. Wrong answers explained by AI

Peter Drucker


Here's why it's incorrect

Your answer is incorrect because Peter Drucker did not advocate for starting with a "tabula rasa" or blank slate when developing ethical standards…

  1. Wrong answers explained by AI

Peter Drucker


Here's why it's incorrect

Your answer is incorrect because Peter Drucker did not advocate for starting with a "tabula rasa" or blank slate when developing ethical standards…

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Expected retention

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5 days

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  1. Track your retention of material

Expected retention

You'll retain what you learned for

5 days

You're on track for your test.

  1. Track your retention of material

Expected retention

You'll retain what you learned for

5 days

You're on track for your test.




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  • I highly recommend Studygenie if you have a hard time studying. It removes the procrastination of getting started and has my attention way longer than other study methods. It works, give it a try.

    Andres Romero

  • Studygenie's AI has changed the way I approach studying. It creates great practice questions and helps me remember content fast. Seriously, a must-have for any student.

    Arnav Arora

  • Studygenie's AI saved me countless hours studying when I was an undergraduate, and now studying for the MCAT, it's still my go to study app. Their team is constantly adding new features every week and listening to my ideas.

    Arya Lukka

  • I was skeptical at first, but this AI tool has proven itself big time. It has saved me countless hours studying for exams and has really improved my grades.

    Jason Coawette

  • I used to really stress about exams. Now, when midterms come around, I know Studygenie will make the studying process fast and easy.

    Nassim Zitouni

  • I used to spend hours studying for exams. Now, I spend half the time and get way better grades.

    Ronit Anand

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